Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why I chose japanese

So I'm currently switching from Windows to Linux so I can't use Japanese characters just yet, so instead, I'll hit you with a little romaji:

Hajimemashite. Bauman desu. Doozo yoroshiku. Genki desuka?

And that's about it for now.

But back to the topic at hand, why is it that in my junior year, I'm willing to weather the fires of hell and 20 credit semesters in order to attempt to major in Japanese? The answer is simple, I have had a deep seated love for the Japanese language and culture since I had the great fortune of taking Japanese as a kid in elementary school. Ever since my encounter all those years ago, I have been quite taken by Japanese history, Japanese pop culture, and Japanese technology (although my fashion style remains starkly american).

Well why not take Japanese earlier and thus save myself from having to struggle in my later years? There again the answer is simple, I have not been afforded the opportunity to take Japanese until just recently. An engineer in my first year here, and trying to recuperate from the damage engineering did to my psyche in the second year I was not in the position to take Japanese until my third at which point I jumped at the opportunity to take Japanese, even though I will have to struggle very hard to keep it in my schedule; however this is a road that I am willing to go down.


  1. ローマじは だいじょうぶですよ。your roma-ji looks fine.

  2. こんばんは バーマンさん。 げんき です。 Wow 20 credits! すごい!(i think "sugoi" means amazing/crazy and bunch of other things.) Look forward to this semester's class with you. じゃぁ、 また。
