Tuesday, December 7, 2010








Sunday, November 14, 2010

きょうはとても忙しいです。でもProject Managementがありません。たいていじゅういちじよんじゅうごふんからいちじまでProject Managementがあります。きょうはじゅういちじよんじゅうごふんからいちじまでふるいにほんごをべんきょします。ふるいにほんごはPillow Bookのしゅくだいです。Pillow Bookはとてもふるいです。でもりっぱなです。せいしょなごんさんはかきました。

そしてPhilosophyをべんきょします。火曜日はPhilosophyのテストがあります。そしてぼくはPhilosophy Paperをかくます。

でもせんしゅうのしゅまつはたのしいです。Black Imagesにいきました。そしてパーティにいきました。

peevee.tv = japanese version of youtube?

so i found the japanese version of youtube, at least i think i did, here's the link:


Monday, November 8, 2010

Funniest Prank Ever

I guarantee that you have never seen a prank this cruel before. Don't get me wrong, its hilarious, but i wouldn't wanna be that guy



Sunday, October 24, 2010


Naruto may not be as awesome as bleach at this point, but u can tell that that awesomeness will be coming soon:


And I'm not going to bother posting the naruto shippuden anime's latest episode since it is complete and other crap. I hate fillers. I really really do. If you wanna see it, go find it yourself.


This is a little old, but that doesnt change the fact that this chapter was extremely awesome


Also here is the latest episode, also pretty awesome


Back from Break

After a luxurious fall break I am ready to continue my studies here at the University of Notre Dame. However, let me go back for a bit and talk about some stuff that I should've talked about before break started.

1. Brieshe and the Raffle
So I'm standing next to the booth with some of my friends when I see Briesche walk up next to me. Trading salutations we begin to talk about the raffle . He tells me how when he entered, he had put the wrong end of the ticket into the raffle drum so the rafflers had to dig the ticket out and return it to him. We proceeded to joke about how it was an evil scheme of his to cheat and win the raffle. Laughing, he proceeded to belittle his chances of winning stating that he had no way of returning the laptop to his room since he not only was going to play tennis, but he had also not brung along a bag to carry home his prize. However, after a half an hour waiting, for the raffle to start, with the first draw, they called his number and he leaped for joy as i simply shook my head at the irony.

2. I got married
Actually no I didn't but since stuff is plural, I needed something else to say here.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I think we would all learn faster if we had to learn like this:

Try and say the phrases as fast as you can


きんおぼくのにほんごわべんきょします。でもきのおぼくわべーェーテェをみます。So obviously I am totally distracted when the best thing since sliced bread comes on in the form of the GOOD Music cypher.


I've watched it like 3 or 4 times and thought it would only be fair to share the brilliance that is the freestyle with the world.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My weekend




Tuesday, September 14, 2010

まいにちの せいかつ

まいしゅうのげつようびに と まいしゅうのすいようびに と まいしゅうのきんよびに ごぜんはちじはんに おきますです。しゃわーを あびますです。スウトヂ二ギハルで あさごはんをたべますです。クラスのにほんごをいきます。クラスのじゅうほうくうがくをいきます。クラスのれきしのにほんごをいきます。つぎぼくわべんきょうします。ぼくわ ごぜんにじに ねますです。

That was uber hard, enjoy sorting through all of my probably obvious mistakes

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So i forgot to include an aspect of Japanese culture I enjoy, well here's a few to whet thine appetite:

One of my favorite chapters out of one of my favorite Mangas:

My favorite anime opening of all time, OF ALL TIME:

The most awesomest combo of all time
こにちわ。げんき ですか。ぼくはアメリカじんです。せんほおはじょうほうかがくです。ぼくは だいがくです と さんえんせいです。どおぞ よろしく。
Just me reintroducing myself now that I have Japanese enabled on my windows 7 machine.

But what should I talk about? Well let me start by saying japanese is tough! Not to say that its a particularly hard language to pick up, it's just that we are going soooo fast right now, that it is really really hard to keep up. But I absolutely love the language, especially how it feels in the mouth and how it rolls off the tongue. Which makes it a little easier to deal with all the trouble and stress this class brings me, thus I have no regrets about taking this course. Well, I do have one, I wish I would have started taking Japanese earlier so that I could learn more before I graduated :-/.

But on a more personal note, let me appeal to all the gamers out there. If you have a PSN gamertag please post it so that I can school more people in madden during my downtime. Unless of course you are one of those annoying people who only play with "the best" team, because if I am using the lions and you are using the vikings or the saints, you are cheating. And don't play the the "its not cheating because they are just another team in the game" card. Just because you can conceal your lack of skill with Adrian Peterson or Drew Brees doesn't mean other people don't notice that you suck.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why I chose japanese

So I'm currently switching from Windows to Linux so I can't use Japanese characters just yet, so instead, I'll hit you with a little romaji:

Hajimemashite. Bauman desu. Doozo yoroshiku. Genki desuka?

And that's about it for now.

But back to the topic at hand, why is it that in my junior year, I'm willing to weather the fires of hell and 20 credit semesters in order to attempt to major in Japanese? The answer is simple, I have had a deep seated love for the Japanese language and culture since I had the great fortune of taking Japanese as a kid in elementary school. Ever since my encounter all those years ago, I have been quite taken by Japanese history, Japanese pop culture, and Japanese technology (although my fashion style remains starkly american).

Well why not take Japanese earlier and thus save myself from having to struggle in my later years? There again the answer is simple, I have not been afforded the opportunity to take Japanese until just recently. An engineer in my first year here, and trying to recuperate from the damage engineering did to my psyche in the second year I was not in the position to take Japanese until my third at which point I jumped at the opportunity to take Japanese, even though I will have to struggle very hard to keep it in my schedule; however this is a road that I am willing to go down.