Sunday, September 26, 2010

My weekend




Tuesday, September 14, 2010

まいにちの せいかつ

まいしゅうのげつようびに と まいしゅうのすいようびに と まいしゅうのきんよびに ごぜんはちじはんに おきますです。しゃわーを あびますです。スウトヂ二ギハルで あさごはんをたべますです。クラスのにほんごをいきます。クラスのじゅうほうくうがくをいきます。クラスのれきしのにほんごをいきます。つぎぼくわべんきょうします。ぼくわ ごぜんにじに ねますです。

That was uber hard, enjoy sorting through all of my probably obvious mistakes

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So i forgot to include an aspect of Japanese culture I enjoy, well here's a few to whet thine appetite:

One of my favorite chapters out of one of my favorite Mangas:

My favorite anime opening of all time, OF ALL TIME:

The most awesomest combo of all time
こにちわ。げんき ですか。ぼくはアメリカじんです。せんほおはじょうほうかがくです。ぼくは だいがくです と さんえんせいです。どおぞ よろしく。
Just me reintroducing myself now that I have Japanese enabled on my windows 7 machine.

But what should I talk about? Well let me start by saying japanese is tough! Not to say that its a particularly hard language to pick up, it's just that we are going soooo fast right now, that it is really really hard to keep up. But I absolutely love the language, especially how it feels in the mouth and how it rolls off the tongue. Which makes it a little easier to deal with all the trouble and stress this class brings me, thus I have no regrets about taking this course. Well, I do have one, I wish I would have started taking Japanese earlier so that I could learn more before I graduated :-/.

But on a more personal note, let me appeal to all the gamers out there. If you have a PSN gamertag please post it so that I can school more people in madden during my downtime. Unless of course you are one of those annoying people who only play with "the best" team, because if I am using the lions and you are using the vikings or the saints, you are cheating. And don't play the the "its not cheating because they are just another team in the game" card. Just because you can conceal your lack of skill with Adrian Peterson or Drew Brees doesn't mean other people don't notice that you suck.